Rapides Women’s and Children’s Hospital is ready to Walk for Babies! On April 25, RWCH and RRMC employees will join other businesses and family members during the annual March of Dimes March for Babies fundraiser.
Registration begins at 9 a.m. with the 2.5 mile walk kicking off at 10 a.m. The event includes a fun house for kids, face painting, games and activities. To register for the event, visit marchforbabies.org.
Funds raised by March for Babies in Louisiana help support prenatal wellness programs, research grants, newborn intensive care unit family support programs and advocacy efforts for stronger, healthier babies.
Premature birth is the most urgent infant health problem in the U.S. today. It affects nearly half a million babies each year, including 9,500 in Louisiana. This past November, the March of Dimes issued its annual Premature Birth Report Card, giving the nation a “C” and Louisiana the grade of “F.”
Find out more at marchforbabies.org, or follow March of Dimes on Facebook and twitter.